“60 DAYS: In the Life of a Teenager with Bipolar” #1 Introductions

If you’re a current follower of this blog you may already know the basics about me. I am Amber. I’m 18 and I have mental illness. In order for me to learn to deal with certain aspects of my mental illness at such a young age, whilst still raising a form of awareness, I decided to start a project. In this project I will, for 60 consecutive days, write honest and open insights into my day to day life. Some days are going to be wonderful and some will be horrible. In each day I will start with a mood number indicating my average mood for that day. 0 being low and 10 being the highest. My goal from this aside from personal goals is that people will gain an understanding surrounding the mental illness and what it’s like to live with mental illness. I myself have diagnosed Bipolar, ADHD and Anxiety. I also have a history of self harm. I’m going to be honest, this experience will be hard for me and worries me that I’m going to be honest online to strangers and to myself about what goes on in my head so here goes…

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